Our Policy

Return Policy

Any purchased items are eligible for exchange or refund in any of the following circumstances:

  • damaged items (during delivery)
  • items with production defects
  • lost Items (during delivery)
  • delivery of wrong items

To get a refund or an exchange, our clients can contact us within a period 30 days from the date of receiving an item in any of the above-mentioned conditions

To contact us: [email protected]

Privacy Policy

  • Let's Read will not share any client information with any third party for any commercial or marketing purposes under any circumstances
  • we, the Let's Read Bookstore, respect our client privacy. We pledge to keep all of our client data such as their names, addresses and phone numbers completely confidential. This data will only be used to deliver orders or to deal with questions or complaints.
  • Let''s Read will not use any user data obtained through cookies for any analytical, commercial or marketing purposes.
  • our clients have the right to protect their privacy by deleting/updating their personal information when they need to.
  • the Let's Read Bookstore is being hosted on a service provider that offers a high level of data protection against hackers and data theft. Our website has an SSL certificate (i.e. Secure Sockets Layer) that makes all of client data and transactions secure and protected.
  • Let's Read will not modify this policy without informing our valued clients
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